Monday, August 3, 2009

First Days of School Part 1

I have been thinking about the first days of school, I remember getting excited about getting my room ready for students. Putting new name tags up, getting my room arranged, creating activities to get everyone out of their shell. Well, I found a really neat activity from Tammy Worcester's site and thought I would share it with you all. It is an All About Me Scavenger Hunt. In the activity either K-3 or 3-12 students are asked to use a list of Internet resources to share information about themselves. Students go to /each site to help them find out what happened on the day they were born, how tall they might be one day and many other fun facts. Students could then create a poster or share this information with a partner to introduce one another to the class. Or ask the students how they want to share this information they've gathered about themselves.

So now that I have shared an idea, what ways do you have students get to know one another at the beginning of the school year?

Image provided by Will Lion


Mrs. Carter's Class said...

Normally do Kagan "Find Someone Who" and differnt Kagan activities to help them get to know their group members.

Ms. Bullock said...

I usually do a Find someone Who activity to help the students to get acquainted with each other on the first day of school. I think with some tweeking I will love to do this with the students as a first day activity. From here I can get into several things dealing with procedures and rules involving using the equipment made available to our classroom.

Kiela Wood said...

During the beginning of school I like to have the kids do a "Find Somebody Who" Kagan activity. I have the papers copied before hand and they walk around finding students who "fit" into one of their boxes on their sheet. i.e. find someone who has a ponytail. They would try to find someone who does and have them sign their paper. Students continue until completely filled and you can only sign two times on a paper. Then I ask students to share what is one thing they found interesting about a fellow student.

Anonymous said...

On the first day of school I normally have students get to know each other by a share out and also by doing an about me acrostic. I also have students share out what they did over the summer break. From their I do team building energizers and get into my classroom procedures