Thursday, October 1, 2009

TGIF Blogging about a Blogger

 Today I want to share a great find with you. I ran across this blog and fell in love with this post. It reiterates what I should be doing in my job every day as well as what all teachers should do. We as educators of all types should be Guides. The post by Doug Johnson on his blog, The Blue Skunk Blog is about how his trip to the Grand Canyon was enhanced by guides. He discusses 5 things good guides do, they are as follows:

  1. A good guide pushes you to do things you might not have done alone.
  2. A good guide models things to do that you might not have done.
  3. A good guide shows you things you might not have found.
  4. A good guide demonstrates"best practices".
  5. A good guide smooths the way.
As I reflected on what I was reading, I tried to think about myself in both the guided and the guide. I think we have all been in both of these roles at one time or another. I began to think about each item and how I felt when I was "being pushed" as well as "pushing", how I model as well as what I learned when someone modeled things in my classroom and on down the line. I guess the reason I wanted to share this blog post is two fold; to be reflective about how you are guiding your "students" as well as a great resource for "guidance" on your path in education.

So, my question for you to think about do you guide your "students" whether their 10 or 110 in their learning hike?

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