Monday, July 27, 2009

Social Bookmarking Site

For my first post, I would like to discuss using Social Bookmarking sites for personal productivity as well as in your classroom. Wikipedia defines Social Bookmarking as "a method for Internet users to store, organize, search, and manage bookmarks of web pages on the Internet with the help of metadata, typically in the form of tags that collectively and/or collaboratively become a folksonomy."

There are several different types of online bookmarking sites out there like Diigo or ikeepbookmarks but the one I feel is the most user friendly is Delicious. Here is a video from Common Craft that explains what Social Bookmarking is in Plain English.

Delicious can be used for personal and professional use to make your life easier. It allows you to store all your favorite sites online so that you only have to visit one place for all the useful sites you use. Gone are the days of going back and forth between your school and home computer searching for that one site. Now you can access your favorite bookmarked sites from any computer! YEAH!!

I work with teachers helping them to integrate technology in their classrooms and one way we share resources is through the delicious network. I bookmark sites with a TRC tag and those teachers know they can go to that tag on my site to find tons of resources that I felt would benefit them. They do the same for each other. We also tag resources for each other by using the for: tag option which sends the URL directly into the specified users inbox. A very convenient way to share resources instead of relying on email to share sites.

You can also use it in your classroom as a place to send your students when they need to do research. For example say your students are learning about fairy tales. If you already had sites you wanted them to look at your could just send them to one URL, example: instead of creating a hot list or having the students type in each URL which usually leads to a lot of hands raised and a teacher with a HUGE headache after class.

This is just one example of using Delicious in your classroom, how do you use this social bookmarking tool for productivity?


Brent Dieckhoff said...

Hey Jenny!

Great to hear from you! I like the blog. Great tip on the use of one URL. I use delicious and love it. I am anxious to talk with you again about the TRC model.

Amanda Williamson said...

Love it! Great idea to help all of us out in the classroom. It helps that you have all of these resources for us now just a click away :)
Always thinking ahead!