Thursday, September 16, 2010

TRC Classroom: Trees Project

Brochure example created by students

Students of Angie Carter from Clark Elementary in Wichita, Kansas are studying different types of trees from around the world by reading a Time For Kids article called A Forests of the World   from their Treasures Book. After reading the article students paired up and created a 6 panel brochure with the following elements:
  1. Title 
  2. A picture of their tree with a caption
  3. Where the tree grows with a map of location
  4. What the tree is used for & if it's deciduous or coniferous
  5. What types of wild life live in or around the tree 
  6. The final panel information was of the students choosing.  
Some students chose to create word searches or crossword puzzles while other students added interesting facts about their tree. Students were expected to site their sources at the end of their publication. Once the brochures were finished, students shared them with a contact from the Great Plains Nature Center  who would decide if their brochure could be displayed in the center's lobby.

To view the full lesson plan, go to and scroll down to the Project-Based Lesson Plan Website. The lesson will be posted there soon.